Overview Guide to Import DHCD Cases
The RxOffice® CMS Portal provides Counselors the ability to Import DHCD Cases without having to create the same case in the portal. This guide will offer the steps to import DHCD cases and Non-DHCD cases into the RxOffice® CMS Counselor Portal.
For the Counselor to begin the importing process, the cases would first need to be exported from HCO or CounselorMax into .csv or .xslx formats for the system to recognize the file to start the import process into Premium.
1. When document is in .xslx format, please make sure to rename the bottom tab to Sheet1 prior to saving the file in .csv or .xslx format:
2. The Counselor would need to click on DHCD Import Case from the Admin Tab:
3. Once the screen appears, the Counselor would need to select the radio button for either DHCD or Non-DHCD*** as the file type, select NCRC*** from the Associate drop down menu, and select the case type either Loss Mitigation, NCRC Pre-Purchase Session 1, or Rental from the Case Type drop down menu, so the file will be imported as that case type into RxOffice® , browse their computer for the .xslx or .csv file exported from either HCO or CMAX, and then click the upload button:
***For NCRC Affiliates only!!
4. After the file has been selected from the Counselor’s computer and the upload button has been clicked, the system will recognize if the file’s format is correct and the below window will appear:
The Counselor would need to click on the OK button to continue. Also it will take 10 minutes for the system to recognize the cases for the Counselor to see them on their dashboard
5. If the format is incorrect, then an error message will appear as seen here:
Note: The error message shows which formats are supported to import the DHCD or Non-DHCD cases into the system. Also a minimum of 3 cases will need to be listed in the uploaded document to import.
6.Once the cases have been uploaded successfully, after 10 minutes, the Counselor will be able to see which cases by clicking on the History tab on the DHCD Import Cases screen as seen here:
Also the Counselor could click on the next page to view the other cases as well, as indicated with the red arrow.
And to access the cases, the Counselor would need to click on the Dashboard tab and the new imported cases will be listed as seen here: